Vertigo is a feeling of motion or spinning, often described as dizziness.

Unlike lightheartedness, vertigo makes you feel as though you’re actually moving or spinning, or that the world around you is spinning.

<h3>Causes of Vertigo</h3>

Vertigo can be classified into two types: <b>peripheral vertigo and central vertigo</b>. Peripheral Vertigo is caused by issues in the inner ear, specifically the vestibular labyrinth or semicircular canals, which help control balance. It may also involve the vestibular nerve, which connects the inner ear to the brainstem.

<b>Common causes of peripheral vertigo include:</b>

- Benign Positional Vertigo (BPPV) – A condition triggered by changes in head position.

- Certain medications that are toxic to the inner ear, like aminoglycoside antibiotics, cisplatin, diuretics, and salicylates.

- Head injuries.

- Vestibular neuritis – Inflammation of the vestibular nerve.

- Labyrinthitis – Irritation and swelling of the inner ear.

- Meniere's disease – A disorder affecting the inner ear.

- Pressure on the vestibular nerve, often from noncancerous tumors like meningiomas or schwannomas.

Central Vertigo is caused by issues in the brain, particularly in the brainstem or the cerebellum (the back part of the brain that controls balance). <b>Causes of central vertigo include:</b>

- Blood vessel diseases affecting the brain.

- Certain medications, including anticonvulsants, aspirin, and alcohol.

- Multiple sclerosis – An autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system.

- Seizures (though rare).

- Brain tumors (either cancerous or noncancerous).

- Vestibular migraines – A type of migraine headache associated with dizziness.

<h3>Symptoms of Vertigo</h3>

The primary symptom of vertigo is the sensation that either you or the room is spinning. This spinning feeling can often lead to nausea and vomiting. Additional symptoms, depending on the underlying cause, may include:

- Difficulty focusing the eyes

- Dizziness

- Hearing loss in one or both ears

- Loss of balance, which may result in falls

- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

- Nausea and vomiting, which can lead to dehydration

If vertigo is caused by brain-related issues (central vertigo), you may experience additional symptoms such as:

- Difficulty swallowing

- Double vision

- Abnormal eye movements

- Facial weakness or paralysis

- Slurred speech

- Limb weakness

<h3>Treatment of Vertigo</h3>

The first step in treating vertigo is identifying and addressing the underlying cause, especially if it's related to a brain disorder. For benign positional vertigo, a common treatment is the Epley maneuver, where your healthcare provider will guide you through a series of head movements to help realign the balance structures in the inner ear.

If the vertigo is related to peripheral causes, medications may be prescribed to relieve symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Physical therapy is often recommended to help improve balance and prevent falls. You'll be taught exercises that not only restore your sense of balance but also strengthen muscles to reduce the risk of future incidents.