Hello, Lykkers! Spring is in full bloom, and with it comes the opportunity to explore the edible delights of the season.

If you've ever wondered about those stunning lilacs filling the air with their sweet fragrance, you're in for a treat!

Lilacs are not only a feast for the eyes but also for the taste buds. Here's how to make the most of these beautiful blooms in your kitchen.

<h3>Lilacs: More Than Just Pretty Flowers</h3>

Lilacs belong to the olive family, and surprisingly, they are entirely edible. The flowers are rich in aroma, but their essence is tricky to extract due to their oil-free nature. However, with a little creativity, the flavors and scents of lilacs can still be captured in some truly magical ways.

<h3>Lilac Gelato: The Ultimate Spring Indulgence</h3>

One of the most luxurious ways to enjoy lilacs is in gelato. At the height of lilac season, the talented team at Soma Chocolate hand-harvests baskets of lilac flowers—each bloom plucked individually. These blossoms are soaked in cream, allowing the essence of lilac to infuse the mixture.

The infused cream is then turned into a dreamy lilac gelato that's as rare as it is delicious. If you ever get the chance to taste it, consider it a seasonal delicacy!

<h3>Simple and Sweet: Lilac Sugar and Syrup</h3>

For a simpler yet equally delightful way to savor lilacs, try making lilac sugar or syrup. To do this, start by harvesting blossoms from the common lilac (avoid the Persian Lilac or Chinaberry, as these are not suitable for consumption).

Once you have enough flowers, you can mix them with sugar or steep them in water to create a lilac syrup. This sweet, floral infusion can be used in a variety of treats or even homemade ice cream!

<h3>Candied Lilacs for a Decorative Touch</h3>

Another fun and creative way to enjoy lilacs is by making candied flowers. Dip the blossoms in sugar syrup and let them dry to create a sparkling, edible decoration. Candied lilacs can add a touch of elegance to cakes, cupcakes, and other desserts, making them perfect for spring celebrations or just a special treat.

<h3>A Fragrant Flavor for Spring</h3>

Lilacs are fleeting, and their season is brief, so make sure to take advantage of their short-lived beauty and flavor. Whether you're crafting a batch of lilac gelato, adding a floral twist to your desserts, or creating syrup to drizzle over pancakes, the possibilities are as endless as the colors of the blossoms.

So, next time you spot a lilac in full bloom, why not bring it into the kitchen and turn it into a springtime masterpiece?